I alternate between being ready for having a little baby in the house again and being terrified.
I have eleven weeks to go.
That's it.
Some might say, "that's almost three months away, it's so far!"
I say:
1. Halloween
2. Anniversary
3. Thanksgiving
4. Christmas
And all the preparations that all three of those things require.
First of all, it is completely unfair that the stores are currently loaded with candy. Exactly how does anyone expect me to buy Halloween candy now and actually have any of it on hand when trick-or-treaters come around?? Not that we get any, we live in the middle of a massive, steep hill that no rational child or even adventurous teen is willing to climb just for candy.
Secondly, we have to come up with Baby A's Halloween costume and figure out what we're going to do that night. At 2, she's not really old enough to actually go trick or treating, so, I don't know, maybe we go to a few homes we know and call that quits. My in laws are actually going to be down that week, so maybe we'll find something fun to do.
Oh that's right. My in laws are coming down that week because Halloween is also Mama T's birthday and she takes it off every year. So my MIL is coming down to watch Baby A for those few days. Overall, very cool. I'm happy they're coming and they will be on hand for our five year anniversary. Built in babysitters! Too bad I'll be even more hugely pregnant by then and not able to really enjoy it all that much.
Thankfully my husband has taken over the anniversary plans. I was starting to stress about it, because it is a 'number'. It's our fifth and I wanted to try and do something, but, what am I going to do that I can actually enjoy?? He cut short the stress avalanche that was looming and said he had some ideas and that he would take care of it. Fortunately I can actually take that off my plate for worries. I know some women would probably stress even more if their husbands said that they were handling plans for their anniversary, but he does a good job when it comes to these things, so other than show up, I'm hoping I don't have a whole lot more for expectations.
Then there's Thanksgiving which I've pretty much decided we're not traveling for. At that point I will only be about 4 weeks away from my due date and given my current size, I can't imagine I will be at all comfortable driving four or five hours to TN to spend the holiday with my husband's family. Plus there's so much involved, dogs, Baby A, shared food responsibilities and the prep/time/effort that goes into it. I'd rather stay home and have a turkey sandwich. Not that we will be that sad. I'm sure my parents are planning on staying in GA also and we'll probably do something small and then expect to see a few of the In-law crowd in the days afterwards.
Then we hit December and it's an all out sprint to the finish. To start with, the nursery is currently closed. Shut. Does not exist. We moved Baby A into her 'big girl room' and shut the door on the nursery. It will stay that way until after Thanksgiving. So, come December, I need to get back in there and get shit together. I have started buying diapers, but I need to get the clothes out and organized. The drawers stocked and the room decorated. I moved a lot of the decorations to Baby A's new room and so want to get a few things that are just for this new little girl, as opposed to all hand me down leftovers.
I also need to pull all the boxes out of the basement and all that 'little' baby stuff out, cleaned and organized. Bottles, pacifiers, bumpers, bouncy seats, swings, baby blankets, bassinets, all of it. It needs to be washed and put back together and then, the fun part, finding a spot to put all that in the midst of Baby A's toys and the dog's toys and beds, etc, etc. My Sister in Law is coming down to help with that some weekend after Thanksgiving. She's been offering to do something to help and I said here's what I need to do, come on down!
Add to that the required Christmas parties. Hopefully my company isn't doing anything, partly because if we were, I'd need to know about it around two months ago to actually start planning something. I know my husband is going to want to attend whatever function his company has, which will be awesome, because I will be huge. And we have the party with Mama T and all the kids which is easy and fun and hopefully not on the same night as my husbands party.
Plus Christmas shopping. And decorating. And cards. I'm actually starting the shopping now. I'm not waiting until December to do this. I hope to have the majority of it done this month and then only have my husband left to shop for later. He's a stinker and if I get him something this far ahead of time he will either A) find it, B) guess what it is or C) end up buying one for himself in the meantime.
So really, with everything else that's going on, 11 weeks is not a lot of time.