Monday, February 17, 2014

Post baby weight loss

So far I'm very happy with how my weight loss has been going. I did plateau at 22 lbs lost within two weeks after the birth. Considering I only lost around 12 after having Ali, I'm thrilled with that on its own.
I have lost three morning since then and am slowly seeing my stomach tighten up. There's still a lot of skin leftover but it's only 7 weeks later.

I'm 11 lbs away from pre-baby weight and 14 from my final goal.

I have been taking full advantage of the awesome $30 yard sale treadmill that my husband came home with a couple months ago. My mile is pretty slow. Really slow actually but that's ok. It's getting better and I'm just happy to be moving.

I go back to work in 2 weeks. I would like to lose three more lbs before then but I don't know how realistic that is. I've adjusted a lot of my diet but I'm not back on a true weight loss plan and am indulging more than I should if I really were really serious.

I'm ok with that though.


Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Elle Updates

I do feel badly for not posting any baby news in the last two weeks or so. It's really be so doggie focused here and I've spent a lot of time grieving.

Elle is doing fabulously. She is such a happy, laid back baby. She's also a much bigger baby than Ali was at her age. Elle is currently 6 weeks. I go back to work in 3 more. I can't believe it's so close! The time has gone by so fast, but really they've just been very full weeks. We had one with three snow days, followed by another with Ali home sick for two, then this week we'll have three more snow days most likely. I'll update on that as the week goes on.

But, back to babies. The differences between the girls is pretty amazing. Ali was just so tiny and still is a very petite girl. Here's a good example.


 Alice at 3 months                               Elle at 5 weeks

Yep, same outfit, quite a bit of difference on when they wore it.

I do love that Elle is smiling already, she's so stinking cute and lights up at me with a big silly grin.

She smiles at Ali too and that's just adorable because Ali LOVES it. She's such a great big sister and loves to sit with the baby and help feed her or hold her. She pets Elle's head or belly and tries so hard to sooth her when she is fussy.

The best part, Elle's currently sleeping from 8:45 or so at night until anywhere from 2-4 in the morning. She's slowing working towards the 4 am time frame but occasionally still gets up at 2 or 2:30. She's a great eater and I think being larger than Ali was, she's making that 6 or 7 hour stretch at night pretty easily. Ali was a good sleeper too, but it did take her longer. It was 9-10 weeks before she was able to go 7 or 8 hours. Elle is pretty much there already, just not consistently.

She's such a good snuggler.

Monday, February 10, 2014

The hardest goodbye

I haven't been able to write for a while because it hurts my heart so completely.

We had to make the decision to say goodbye to my Old Lady.

Since Christmas she started failing and it just got worse and worse, faster and faster. We couldn't keep up. It finally got to a point where she couldn't do anything. She couldn't sit at all. She could barely lay down by herself,  we had to help her and then help her back up. Help her out to go to the bathroom and keep her from falling over while going.

She wasn't going to get better.

She cried all the time.

It hurt more to watch her struggle than the decision to end her pain.

My husband and I brought her to the vet on Saturday, February 1st. We sat with her and loved her to the end. It broke my heart. It was the hardest thing I have ever done. But it was the right thing.

I miss her every minute.

We told Ali that she went to heaven and isn't coming back. Two year old logic is funny. Even through the tears she can make me laugh. The conversation we keep having goes:

Ali: where's Old Lady?
Me: she's gone to heaven.
Ali: mama's sad.
Me: yes, mama's very sad. I miss her.
Ali: mama's nose runs.

Yep, that's what she takes away from it. My nose runs when I cry.

I had my Old Lady for 10 years. She was with me while I was single and dating. She was with me when I met my husband and has gone with us on all our trips. She was my best friend for so long. A piece of me is missing now. She was my first baby girl.

My Maggie.  My Old Lady.