Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Guess who's three - Part 2

I surprised Ali at school with cupcakes and then we left to go play on our neighborhood playground which I love because it's all just the right size for her age and I can let her run wild without telling her she's too little for something.

The evening was then completed by her requested dinner. Macaroni and Cheese and corn on the cob. Yep, that's what she wanted. She'll eat an entire ear of corn all by herself. It's like candy, she loves it. After dinner we spent some time together playing on her new tablet that we got her for her birthday. It's a neat one, it's a 'kids' tablet from Samsung but has a setting for a regular tablet too so I can use it for my stuff too. She doesn't have open access to it and it's a treat for her to sit and play her games but it's better than her playing on my phone and making international calls. Yeah that. Mostly though she likes to turn on the camera and go around the house taking blurry half photos of things that make me seasick when I later go through the gallery to delete some. In two days she took 288 photos. Mostly of her feet. Goofball. 

Happy Birthday Ali. My precious three year old baby girl. I love you with all my heart.

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